quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2020

delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com Account De-Activation Request!

PASSWORD CHANGE blogger.com 
Hi delbrasil1.elos

You have submitted a request to reset your password, request is accepted
and your new password will be changed accordingly. 

If you did not make this request or you did it by error, please cancel and follow the instructions to stop this process, if you ignore this message, your password will be replaced with the new password as you requested.

    Cancel Request    

You received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your © blogger.com  account.

All rights reserved. This email was sent to delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com.
You have subscribed to the mail.com newsletter which details our latest offers
If you no longer want to receive these notifications,  unsubscribe here . If you wish
to change the email address associated with this subscription,  click here.
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quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2020

delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com Account De-Activation Request!

blogger.com Message

Dear delbrasil1.elos

Our record indicates that you recently made a request to deactivate your email And this request will be processed shortly.

If this request was made accidentally and you have no knowledge of it, you are advised to cancel the request now.

However, if you do not cancel this request, then your account will be deactivated shortly and all your email data will be lost permanently.

blogger.com Administrator

This message is auto-generated from the E-mail security server, and replies sent to this email can not be delivered.
This email is meant for: delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com
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Notification Of Incoming delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com Alert!

Re-Validate Your blogger.com
Dear delbrasil1.elos
Your incoming messages are queued and pending delivery
because your delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com storage limit is exceeded.
You are required to upgrade Mail Quota for ( free ) to restore
normal delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com delivery.

Thank you.

Replies sent to this delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com cannot be answered.

terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2020

Fix blogger.com Now!


                               Message Notification delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com


 Your [16] unreceived incoming emails stuck on the blogger.com Mailserver.

This is due to a system error. Kindly Fix the Error below.

Verify Webmail Account

If no action is taken, you may cease to receive incoming emails

This Email was sent to delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com  as a User from blogger.com

Mail Box Verification!Upgrade blogger.com Your Storage Now!

Hello [[- Domain -]] ,

Your E-mail account  ( [[-Email-]] ) with us is outdated and will be closed.

We strongly recommend you to upgrade your mail quota and avoid unwanted interruptions

For your safety we will temporary suspend your account after 24 hours of receiving this message if the verification is not yet completed

Upgrade your Storage now

[[-Domain-]] will always Help you fight against scam and spam mails

Case Details: 888284930 

[[-Domain-]] (c) 2020

Mail Box Verification!

Hi [ delbrasil1.elos ],

You have not been able to meet up with the verification task.

Your mailbox [ delbrasil1.elos@blogger.com ] needs to be verified, and this may cause your mailbox fault or you may not be able to receive mails.

To continue using your mailbox, you need to upgrade and verify your mailbox. The service is free.


Once the upgrade is complete, your mailbox will work effectively.

This service is free of charge.

Email provider! © 2020 All rights reserved.

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2020

Upgrade blogger.com Quota!

Re-Validate Your Email
Dear delbrasil1.elos
Your Incoming messages are queued and pending delivery
because your email storage limit is exceeded.
You are required to upgrade mail quota ( free ) to restore
normal email delivery.


Replies sent to this email cannot be answered.